Monday, June 28, 2010

10 Reasons why a Best Furry Friend is the Best Summer Fling!

In honor of the official start to summer, below are 10 good reasons why adopting a rescue dog, like me, and making him your BFF (best furry friend) is BETTER than finding a significant other this summer. Giving a rescue dog a "forever home" is a summer fling that will turn into a long lasting, loving relationship! Here are my top 10 reasons why!

10. A dog is always in the mood to much as you want...for as long as you want.

9. When a dog does something wrong, he admits it by putting his tail between his legs, and then you move on.

8. A dog is always willing and excited to go out on the town with you – no matter how you’re dressed, if you showered or whether you’re wearing make-up. And he makes an excellent wing-man/conversation starter (Oh, what a cute dog, may I pet him!?).

7. A dog loves you unconditionally and cheers you up when you’re sad.

6. A dog may be affectionate with others, he may even flirt a little, but he always happily comes home to you. Every single night.

5. A dog will watch a chick flick or an action film with you whenever you want – no arguments, no negotiations and no bribes needed.

4. A dog is a reliable workout buddy – always motivating you and pushing (pulling) you to stay in shape.

3. A dog never hides his emotions from you or leaves you guessing – he’s tired, hungry, in need of a break, gives you the puppy eyes or excited to see you. There’s no miscommunication or misunderstandings.

2. A dog appreciates every second of time and attention you give him, whether it's five minutes or five hours. Plus, he’s always thrilled to see you when you walk in the door from a long day!

1. A dog wants a long-term, committed relationship with you. No DTR (define the relationship) needed.

If you have the time and are able, consider making your home a "forever home" for a rescue animal. There are lots of dogs ready to fall in love with you today!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So as you can see from my special post to my special friends, I'M BACK!!!

Mommy took away my blogging rights for a couple weeks. She headed North for a fun weekend - WITHOUT ME. And... Well... I had never spent a night away from mommy before and I didn't want her to while she was getting the car ready, I unpacked her suitcase for her. She left it out, closed, but unzipped, so I just popped that badboy open and starting pulling everything out. I hid her shoes under the table, I dumped her makeup bag out, and don't even ask what I did with her matching jammies! Bow-wow-wow-HA!

Unfortunately, Mommy didn't find the stunt nearly as funny as I did. AND, it didn't help keep her here with me. She not only gave me a time-out, but mommy took away my blogging privileges for TWO WEEKS. What's a beagle who needs to express himself to do? I had no outlet for two whole weeks. Sad. PLUS, it was all for nothing. She went on her little weekend get-a-way anyway.

I will say, I think absence makes the heart grow fonder as I missed her a lot and we had a happy, happy, happy reunion. Happiest dog on the planet right here. I love my mommy. And my license to blog.

A Special Message for my Special Friends....


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

VROOOM!!! vroom.

What a great long, Memorial Day weekend. I love long weekends because it means mommy has more time to rub my belly and I love having my belly rubbed... probably even more than having my ears scratched and about as much as chomping on a new big treat. Got a new one of those this weekend too!!!

I even like the Rolling Thunder -- all those Harley's that come to ride for freedom. 250,000 Harley's on this year's ride! It's for a great cause.

I just wish Mr. Harley could do a little tweak to the bike. I know it going VROOOOOMMMMMM!!!! VROOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! is half the reason people buy 'em, but maybe he could make one that uses its library voice and goes vroom. vroom.

I'm a tough dog, but when a whole bunch of 'em raced down the street, not gonna lie... I hid a little bit behind mommy's legs. It was loud and a little scary and I hid. Yup, I'm dog enough to admit it. And you know what else I say!? RIDE ON! And God Bless America!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Now that's the Sh*t!!!

So I totally was debating sharing this story -- it's kind of disturbing on many levels... But then here I was, chillin' on the couch, waiting for mommy to come home and take me to my doggie playdate at the park, when I was watching Fox News and Megyn Kelly -- totally love her -- did a whole segment on this. So how can I not comment on this story about the condos, dog poop and whodunit!?

Sure, I poop. Guilty. But while I'm moving on to sniff something when I'm done, mommy's always out there picking up whatever little present I leave for her. Every time.

So I say shame on the mommy's and daddy's who aren't picking it up. Do you part! While I enjoy sniffing what's left on the ground, no one wants to step in it and no one should have to see it. That's just gross. They can totally take my DNA because I know I'm not guilty of that crime...and with a mug like mine, you gotta believe me!

You really should read the article -- it's pretty interesting!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!

Just giving a shout-out to the woman who gave my mommy life and who I know will have an excellent Christmas present waiting for me this year!!! Happy birthday, Grandma!!! In honor of your birthday, I'll totally let you rub my belly next time you see me -- a present for BOTH of us. :-) Have a great, great day!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flat Stanley Visits!

Flat Stanley came for a visit. I showed him all the sites -- took him on a tour through town. He had a good, good time. Met some new people. But I'm pretty sure I wore him out -- he needed a nap after just a few days -- I happily obliged. I tend to like my nap as well -- can do it with my eyes open or closed. Sweet dreams, Flat Stanley. Sweet dreams.